Gymnastics Australia Case Study - Oho

Gymnastics Australia Case Study

June 2022
3 mins

Gymnastics Australia (GA) is the national governing body for gymnastics in Australia. GA has over 800,000 Australians who engage in gymnastics, 600 affiliated gyms or clubs, and 226,115 registered athletes (77% women and 23% male), 92% of GA athletes are under 12 years of age. There are 3,074 judges and 7,630 coaches.

Following the findings of systemic risk factors for child abuse and neglect, misconduct, bullying, abuse, sexual harassment and assault towards athletes in the Royal Commission and in line with the Australian Human Rights Commissions Independent Review, it became obvious that GA needed to prioitise athlete safety and wellbeing.

GA recognised their obligation to ensure that it’s clubs were safe for everyone and to achieve this, they needed a national accreditation monitoring system that was robust, continuously monitored and easy to use. Oho was that solution for them.

GA and Oho have worked together to create a Case Study to share findings with the greater community in an effort to encourage other organisations to implement Oho as part of their child safety standards and compliance.

Oho has been fundamental to the success of Gymnastics Australia's strategy. Because you cannot position yourself as an organisation that takes child safety seriously without having a framework like this in place to protect the whole sport. And it's had a real impact on the community.
Rhys Harrision, the General Manager, Integrity at Gymnastics Australia

To access the executive summary version of the Gymnastics Case Study click here.

To access the extended two-page version of the Gymnastics Case Study click here.

Our clubs promote the steps they take to ensure that children are in a safe environment. this has given us a real advantage in being recognised as having child safety as a priority and encouraging that as an expectation across all organisations that work with children.
Rhys Harrision, the General Manager, Integrity at Gymnastics Australia

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