Keep children in sport safe
With ongoing automatic verification of accreditations for volunteers and employees of sports club, association or organisation
Is the workload of manual record-keeping exhausting for you, diverting resources from other activities in your sports club? Are you feeling exposed and vulnerable when managing people and keeping accreditation records intact? Do you think you are falling behind and missing necessary information leaving your sporting league or club exposed and potentially unsafe for children?
As a sporting organisation, you have a legal and moral obligation to ensure that children are protected from physical and psychological harm while participating in or attending organised and sanctioned events and activities.
Typically, sporting clubs and organisations are run by volunteers and parents, and the verification of Working with Children Checks may be overlooked.
Small clubs and sports associations often have little budget, and they lack the resources needed to continuously monitor their base of coaches, trainers, volunteers and officials. However, our parents assume that all officials would have a Working with Children Checks at a minimum.
This is often not the case. Unfortunately, no governing bodies currently monitor ongoing compliance in our sporting sector, which leaves clubs, leagues, and associations wide open to risk.
88% of parents support a technological solution that could help with monitoring and alert service providers in due time, according to the ‘The Australian Child Safety-Check Study’ conducted by independent research firm, Dynata.