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Are you ready? Stronger penalties are coming for organisations who do not comply with the new Childsafe Standards.
New laws start on 1 January 2023, including stronger penalties for organisations that do not comply with the Child Safe Standards. The Child Wellbeing and Safety (Child Safe Standards Compliance and Enforcement) Amendment Act 2021 will give the Commission and other regulators more powers to assess and enforce compliance with the Child Safe Standards.
What are the implications of the Ombudsman’s claim that Victoria’s WWCC is not protecting our kids?
WWCCs have an important role to play in effective safeguarding controls so when a weakness is exposed it can be unsettling. Can we still have faith in our WWCC systems across Australia to help us protect the vulnerable? What can we rely on and what does it mean for this control?
Oho Partner (Moores) opens up about Worker Screening
Moores works with organisations to train staff and management, develop safeguarding strategies, implement policies and procedures, and respond to concerns and claims.
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Gymnastics Australia Case Study
Enabling Gymnastics Australia to Lead on Child Safety in Sport. Following the findings of systemic risk factors for child abuse and neglect, misconduct, bullying, abuse, sexual harassment and assault towards athletes in the Royal Commission and in line with the Australian Human Rights Commissions Independent Review, it became obvious that GA needed to prioitise athlete safety and wellbeing.
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