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The Challenges of Safeguarding in the Disability Sector
There is an urgent need for improved oversight and governance within the Disability care sector. The Royal Commission’s findings highlight the importance of rigorous compliance, effective worker screening and robust monitoring to safeguard vulnerable individuals. Emerging automation tools like Oho are offering solutions to the prominent challenges that the Care sector is facing.
Safeguarding in Childcare Settings: Best Practice
There is a critical need for heightened vigilance and robust safeguarding measures in childcare environments. Oho's platform provides continuous monitoring and instant verification of credentials to safeguard our young Australians.
Volunteer Management: the Challenges of Recruitment and Retention
Volunteer organisations are grappling with the challenges of recruitment and retention of volunteers. The high turnover and resulting administrative burden creates obstacles to a strong volunteer workforce. Oho provides a strong solution to reduce your administrative workload and meet your compliance obligations.
Safeguarding in the Disability Sector: The Royal Commission and Worker Screening
Worker screening is not just a regulatory checkbox; it's a cornerstone of quality care and organizational integrity. The Royal Commission findings handed down in September 2023 point over and over to the need for disability organisations to have strong oversight both on hiring and during tenure of the workforce. Automation of screening is not only possible but faster and safer.
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