Safeguarding Made Simple for Faith-Based Organisations - Oho

Safeguarding Made Simple for Faith-Based Organisations

Faith-based organisations play a vital role in the community, but limited resources and volunteer-run teams can make meeting legal safeguarding requirements—like right-to-work and volunteer checks—a real challenge.

1 to 8 Working with Children Checks get revoked in each state EVERY DAY.

How can you be sure your team remains compliant?

Oho Makes Safeguarding Easier for Faith-Based Organisations like Yours

Oho is here to simplify workforce compliance and safeguarding, making the process more efficient and effective.

Oho partners with faith-based organisation funders who require credential compliance, with a subsided or fully funded solution to ongoing credential management.

  • Simple set up in one session
  • Automated monitoring for ongoing compliance
  • Manage by exception to save time


Watch the demo video to see how Oho supports you, is easy to set up and simple to manage.


Simple Dashboard Set Up

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Let Oho handle your credential compliance, so you can focus on your community.




Or book a demo to learn more.

Book A Discovery Session